Title: Group Office - An open source CRM and groupware application
Description: Group-Office is an enterprise CRM and groupware tool. Share projects, calendars, files and e-mail online with co-workers and clients. Easy to use and fully customizable.
Description: Pocket Informant for the iPhone, BlackBerry or Windows Mobile Pocket PC and Smartphone! Featuring Pocket Informant, the ultimate Outlook mobile solution for your Pocket PC. Looking for a task manager, calendar, or contact manager for your Pocket PC or Sm
Description: With 20 years of experience in delivering enterprise mobility management solutions, Fiberlink has the in-depth functional and technical expertise necessary to accelerate deployment, reduce risk, increase employee productivity, and simplify mobile device
Title: AstraSync - BlackBerry ActiveSync Compatibility - Sync BlackBerry with Exchange ActiveSync Server
Description: AstraSync Exchange ActiveSync for BlackBerry. Sync Email, Calendars and Contacts to a BlackBerry from an ActiveSync Compatible Server for only 49
Description: IceWarp Unified Communication Server - servidor de e-mail completamente integrado, webmail, groupware, mensagens instantaneas, VoIP/SIP e mensagens de texto (SMS).
Title: Hosted Microsoft Exchange, SharePoint Hosting, Windows Web Hosting, and Dedicated Server Solutions by NetVigour
Description: Hosted Microsoft Exchange, BlackBerry, SharePoint Hosting, ASP.NET, Live Communications Server 2005, Microsoft SQL Server, dedicated application servers, and other Windows-based shared and dedicated hosting.