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Google search volume for "aramaic"

Website results for "aramaic"

 15 websites found

Title: HOME
Description: Aramaic Media
#56,932 (-17%) -
Title: 20000-NAMES.COM: 20,000+ Names from Around the World--baby names, pet, pets, sim, story character, meaning, origin, etymology,
Description: 20,000+ Names from Around the world. Meanings of Names. Origins of names. Etymology of names. Baby names, pet names, sim names, story character names.
#790,907 (+49%) -
Title: Phoenician Encyclopedia: A Bequest Unearthed, Phoenicia and the Phoenicians, Punic, Canaanites -- Encyclopedia Phoeniciana
Description: The largest, comprehensive comilation of studies about the Phoenicians, Punic, Canaanites.

Not available.
#2,030,491 (-22%) -
Title: Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament
Description: The on-line version of the Church of the East Peshitta New Testament text in Aramaic/English Interlinear Format.
Keywords:Assyria, Assyrian, Asyria, Asyrian, Aramaic, Assyrian Youth, Syriac, Syriac fonts, Assyria's Letters, Assyrian font, Suryoyo, Chaldean, Kaldhu, Iraq, Syria, Jesus's language, aramaic, ancient languages, ancient Assyria, Babylon, magazine, Assyrian magazine, Assyrian radio, Assyrian dance, Assyrian e-mail,
... (View More)

Not available.
Title: Welcome to Light the World Ministries
Description: One word from God can change your life! Light the World Ministries was founded to bring a fresh Word from God to the Body of Christ and win souls for the Kingdom of God.
#7,594,365 (+228%) -
Title: - Το μεγαλύτερο διαδικτυακό μέσο ενημέρωσης της Κοινότητας Μ�
Description: The official Website of Kormakitis, the biggest maronite village in Cyprus. Get the latest news from the Cyprus Maronite Community.
Title: HOME
Description: Aramaic Media
Title: Hebrew-Roots
Description: Hebrew-Roots: Exploring the Jewish faith in Messiah.