Title: Welcome to the CHANGE.NET home page, sponsored by Hearts & Minds - Information for Change, home of the End Poverty Campaign
Description: Resources for more effective volunteering - self-help for a wide range of psychological and physical challenges - inspirational quotes and ideas.
Title: Skytopia : Welcome to the highest place on the planet!
Description: View the Skytopian gallery, hear intricate music at the SoundBurst Shrine, relive hidden treasures in classic gaming, learn amusing trivia about science and see every single fruit reviewed and rated!
Title: S. Ali Myers | Metaphysician | Holistic Life Coach | Intuitive Counselor | Motivator | Healer | Visionary
Description: S. Ali Myers teaches, counsels & coaches. His background is holistic health and metaphysics. Ali uses intuition, experience and wisdom to help those that are ready to help themselves.
Title: Digital Marketing Agency - Digital Content - Marketing & Innovation - Visionary Marketing
Description: Visionary Marketing is a European digital agency dedicated to Digital Transformation, Content Marketing, Digital training. It was founded by Yann Gourvennec in February 2014