Title: Bit of Fun - Funny Photos, Jokes, Strange News, Beauty and Art
Description: Bit of Fun; proudly sharing humor, beauty, and art for 10+ years. Enjoy the fun stuff, strange news, and funny photos from the fun side of the Internet
Title: Wittygraphy: The Caricature Community to share, discuss, promote buy and sell caricatures
Description: Wittygraphy is the largest network of caricaturists and caricature fans promoting the art of caricature and to purchase caricature services
Title: Zooass - Welcome to the Twisted World of Zooass
Description: Zooass is an adult humor web site with a variety of tasteless yet delightful content that will make your pitiful existence worthwhile. Zooass features interactive flash games and postcards, jokes and pranks, a virtual bar, girls gone wild, politically in
Description: Funny-Shit.com, the place to look for funny movies, pictures, jokes, sound clips and much more - all free downloads ! Warning: Some hot stuff here, and adult/x-rated category. Over 7000 humor files!