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Google search volume for "clavichord"

Website results for "clavichord"

 6 websites found

#12,402,403 (-17%) -
Title: Claviers Baroques (Toronto) harpsichords
Description: Claviers Baroques, builder of fine harpsichords, clavichords, fortepianos and other fine historical keyboard instruments. Our shop is in Toronto, Ontario, Canada but we sell, lease and rent around the world.
#5,321,716 (-10%) -
Title: Harpsichord Clearing House - Harpsichords, Virginals, Clavichords, Positive Organs and Continuo Organs - Sales, Repair and Cons
Description: The Harpsichord Clearing House specializes in the global sale and repair of used and new harpsichords, virginals, clavichords, positive organs, chest organs, continuo organs and early pianos
#15,233,421 (+34%) -
Title: Carolina Pro Musica
Description: Carolina Pro Musica - Bringing Early Music to Charlotte for over 30 years

Not available.
#0 (0%) -
Title: John Lathrop | The End of the Monsoon : Novels by John Lathrop
Description: The End of the Monsoon by John Lathrop, with thoughts on writing, Buddhism, music and morphine