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Title: Proctor-Willenbacher, Print and Electronic Production
Description: Proctor-Willenbacher has 20+ years print publishing, 5+ years HTML and PDF interactive publishing experience. We offer fully interactive Web services, print, HTML, and interactive PDF production.
Keywords:World Wide Web servers, hosting, Domain Name/SendMail, home page authoring, FTP, auto-response systems, e-mail forwarding, password-protected areas, custom programming, cgi databases, JAVA, Perl, conversions to HTML 2.0 3.2 4.0, interactive, T1, Macintosh, Sun Sparc, IBM PC, Ethernet, Syquest, Zip, PhotoCD, recordable CD, LaserWriters, scanners,
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QuarkXPress, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Acrobat PDF, Fontographer, 4th Dimension, Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Claris FileMaker, Debabilizer, vi, BBEdit, GifBuilder, Fetch, Timbuktu, Production management, typesetting, typesetter, compositor, copyediting, proofreading, design, sample pages, templates and usage guides, input editing, art production and cleanup, composition and layout, trapping, testing, staging, repro, film, files, interactive pdfs(View Less)