Description: Quest Protein Bars - the first bars that are not just candy in disguise. High protein and truly low carbs - only 4-5g non-fiber carbs with no sugar alcohols, glycerin or trans fats.
Description: Reports from veterans of vegetarian and raw-food diets, veganism, fruitarianism, and instinctive eating, plus new science from paleolithic diet research and clinical nutrition.
Title: Low Carb Luxury: A Complete Resource for the Low Carb Dieter.
Description: Comprehensive resources for the low-carbohydrate dieter. We offer online shopping, a monthly magazine, articles, recipes, etc - all in one convenient place!
Title: The Atkins Diet Plan Simplified...Atkins Diet Plans & Low Carb Recipes
Description: An easy-to-use resource to help you get started with the Atkins Diet Plan, collect some Atkins diet recipes and connect with others who are trying to lose weight with low-carb diets.