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Google search volume for "micromarket"

Website results for "micromarket"

 8 websites found

Title: B2B Marketing Blog, Web 2.0 Social Media, Business Blogging Tools, Micromarkets and Interactive PR
Description: A blog about B2B marketing, Web 2.0 social media, business blogging tools, micromarkets, B2B lead generation, interactive PR, and web marketing tools and resources.
#991,973 (-80%) -
Title: David Bynon: Micromarketing & Niche Web Business Blog
Description: David Bynon is a recognized online niche marketing & micromarketing expert. He publishes books & papers on business, marketing, social media, publishing & technology.
#598,784 (+33%) -
Title: Micromarketing. Интернет, маркетинг, реклама и PR.
Description: Micromarketing. Об интернете, маркетинге, рекламе и PR для не слишком больших компаний.
#2,232,412 (-27%) -
Title: Greg Verdino
Description: Marketing and Media in the Age of the Empowered Consumer, from crayon Chief Strategy Officer Greg Verdino.
#1,962,479 (+197%) -
Title: Planalytics, Inc. :: Predict. Perform. Profit.
Description: Planalytics, Inc. is the singular global source of Business Weather Intelligence – the actionable information companies need to understand and optimize the impact of weather on their business. Weather is the most volatile of all external factors aff
#7,436,302 (-55%) -
Title: Nimblefish - Get relevant. Get results.
Description: Nimblefish is the world's premier provider of automated micromarketing engines for customer-centric enterprises. Our customized micromarketing engines enable large and leading-edge organizations to leverage the latest technology-powered relevant-messagin
Title: Involve GBI. Optimización de rutas, Geomarketing, GIS                                                -
Description: Este es el sitio de Involve GBI. Involve es una empresa de Geographic Business Intelligence, especializa en soluciones de optimización de rutas comerciales, planificación de visitas, geomarketing, gis y cuadros de mando