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Title: ABE HORROR | The premier source for horror online.
Description: ABE Horror. Featuring the best of Anchor Bay Entertainment's library of horror. From the original classics like Dawn Of The Dead, Evil Dead and Halloween to new releases such as Laid To Rest and Red Mist. The online destination for free horror videos, ho
Keywords:Horror, Zombies, Monster, Killers, Victims, Suspense, Gore, Blood, Knife, Axe, Alphabet Killer, Black Cat, CHUD, Children Of The Corn, Crazies, Creepshow, Crowley, Dawn Of The Dead, Day Of The Dead, Demons, Evil Dead, Halloween, Hellraiser, Hills Have Eyes, Laid To Rest,
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Masters Of Horror, Night Of The Living Dead, Phantasm, Re-animator, Bruce Campbell, Robert Englund, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jeffrey Combs, John Carpenter, John Landis, Tobe Hooper, Don Coscarelli, Stuart Gordon, Wes Craven, Sam Raimi, George A Romero, Stephen King, Dario Argento, Lucio Fulci, Mario Bava, Sleepaway Camp, Hellbound, Clive Barker, Books of Blood, Suspiria, Giallo, Trailers, Cult, Slasher, Anchor Bay, Video, DVD, News, Contests, Comics, Games(View Less)